Saturday 11 October 2014

Why Wang? because Alexander fucking Wang.

"Create clothes that have a familiarity and wearability, but constantly push the limits of how people perceive the latter"
Why do I even bother?

mumbling about this designer?
because I admire his work and I am super-exited about his upcoming collaboration. (saving up in a glass jar)
While other designers try to be high/end and "classy" he is not afraid to take an inspiration from the streets, from downtown New York style, with slouchy tees and layered dresses. His signature was many times described as "model off-duty", but there is more than that. There's this urban street style feel from the 80’s hip-hop and the 70’s chic style.
When I discovered him a long long time ago he did a collaboration with uniqlo and that when I started following up on his collections. He got quite famous when he introduced the stud-bottomed Rocco bag. This bag was massive and every celebrity had to have one. I think he even won a few awards for it.

The collab with H&M>
It's heavily sport-themed, no colour, lots of  'Wang'
What do I mean by that?
Leather boxing shorts, skin-tight crop tops, leggings, croc effect, and sheer stripe detailing

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